This section enables you to enter the tariff conditions according to the contract with the hotel for each contracted room type. The tariffs can be inserted at the net of hotel, on a daily basis with VAT and taxes included.
It is possible to indicate the day of the week
Start Date and End Date: the dates when the tariffs are valid
SGL (Single), TSU (Twin Single Use), DBL (Double), TWN (Twin), TRP (Triple), QUD (Quadruple), STR (used to manage room tariffs for more than 4 adults): fields dedicated for the insertion of prices for each room type; To see an STR rate, you must set the minimum occupancy and maximum occupancy in the advanced contract configurations
Extra (Extra bed): it must be filled in if children are expected:
COT: it must be filled in if cot (infant 0-2 years) is expected with:
Currency: the purchasing currency of the room
Calculate Tariffs: it facilitates the tariffs calculation for each room type, just by clicking the calculator symbol. The price per room and per person must be written on Base amount in order to calculate it for each room type needed. If a specific room(s) type is not available, just write 0
Split: if selected, enables to enter a new tariff period within a previously entered period
Special: if selected, this will show the contract in the availability results as a "Special Offer"
Tariff Type: Markup/Commission/Profit: this field enables you to set the type of "margin" wanted for a specific contract by also enabling the type or group of client to be further "specialised".
Markup: it is possible to enter a different markup value (percentage) to the one set by default in the contract master data
Commission: it is possible to enter a commission value (percentage) to specify the margin either for the client or the supplier
Tariff Plans: are used to facilitate the loading of tariffs, especially when there are different seasons or if there are different dates under the same season and allows to define a specific period by relating the corresponding tariffs based to the room type
Period: indicates which days of the week the tariffs inserted are valid:
Tariff per person: if selected, there is no need to write tariffs for each room type
You can create them from this button also with the possibility to open the screen in a new tab. The various steps will be explained below
If you change an existing rate plan, in order to automatically update the rates, you need to click on the first icon “Update also associated tariffs” before confirming the changes.
With prior choice of rates for which you want to assign a specialization, using the icon this "Specialize selected tariffs" button allows you to enter for each customer or group of customers, a different rate than those entered previously, so as to obtain a certain profit, on each type of room.