Create a Channel Manager Hotel Connection

The procedure t Create a Channel Manager for a hotel connection will be described below.

  • Choose the hotel you need to work on, if it's not present in the system it is needed to open an issue to the Dataentry Department in order to loaded it, it will be available in the system within 24 hours.( )
  • Follows the association of the supplier, if it is not yet present in the list of suppliers in the system,to create it select Admin > Suppliers > Suppliers > New Supplier.
  • Create a new user to connect the hotel contracts via API.

new user

The credentials of the new user will be refered to Availpro (channel manager used as an example) follow the detailed section:

  • name: the supplier code (for example: “Cloudroom”)
  • user ID: the login/user chosen during the creation of the new user (for example: “cmuser”)
  • password: the password chosen during the creation of the new user (for example: “availprocm”)

We suggest to use the same password for each hotel of that Channel Manager. Please note that the user isn't linked to the contract or to the channel manager, but to the supplier. The user must have access as a Manager. One account per supplier/hotel is enough in order to operate in all its contracts via API. Set “Cloudroom” also as user/login. This way, once we will check the performed operations on that contract, we can easily distinguish the operations made by the office and the ones made by the channel manager.

Following the creation of the hotel contract. Suppose you are trying to connect a hotel to the channel manager “Cloudroom”, search for the contract on the system and set it to "Cloudroom" from the drop-down menu Channel Manager:

main options

Once the contract has been created, select the button “Create Flex” to configure the characteristics of room contract typology for hotel contracts.

create flex Please pay attention to the following fields:

  • split tariffs by month: if "on" creates tariff lines divided by month, if "off" there will be a single line for the entire period
  • amount under various occupations: sets the maximum amount above which the channel manager cannot write. If there is no specific occupation in the contract, enter 0

Note. For each type of room(s) it's necessary to have a new contract agreement.