Pricing Policies

This section allows the Tour Operator to set a credit limit for their customer and the customer to set their own percentage of earnings (markup).

  • Hotels credit if selected, allows you to set a credit by defining:

    • amount (e.g., €5000)
    • currency
    • Yearly, Monthly, Bi-weekly, Weekly: choose if credit is given on an annual, monthly, bi-weekly, weekly basis
    • Creation Date (of the reservation), Check-in date, Deadline Date: choice of date from which to scale the credit

    Specializations possible only if on a monthly basis, it can be defined:

    • amount that will override the amount of “Hotels credit”
    • months for which specialization is valid
    • E-mail alert threshold when is exceeded at: define the percentage of reaching the credit threshold for which the system will send an alert e-mail

If the credit ends without being credited again, the customer is automatically barred from making reservations.

In the case where the platfond is not enough and the customer is set with the Blocked in deadline with YES, with prepayment (configuration tab), it will be possible to proceed with the reservation through the credit card for sales from the site. In the case of sales via XML, the system will not allow the reservation to proceed.

  • Markup (Hotels): define a profit percentage for hotels
  • Markup (Transfers): define a profit percentage for transfers
  • Markup (Miscellaneous): define a profit percentage for general services