Status and Notes

The different states of a issue are described below:

  • New: all support issues begin with this status

  • Feedback: Netstorming is requesting additional information before resolving the issue. When the issue author responds to a “Feedback”, he/she has to change the status to “In Progress”. It is recommended to follow this procedure carefully as the system automatically changes the status from “Feedback” to “Resolved” after 15 days

  • In Progress: Netstorming is working on the problem

  • Resolved: Netstorming notifies you that the problem has been resolved. The “Resolved” status becomes “Closed” after 15 days of inactivity. This automatic update is necessary to avoid the accumulation of issues that have already been resolved

  • Rejected: Netstorming rejects the request for assistance

  • Closed: the issue author accepts the response given by NetStorming

Any change in status will be reported via e-mail. If the author of the issue does not accept the solution given by NetStorming, he/she can change the status and put it back to “In Progress” giving reasons.

To add information to a issue that is already open, you need to click on “Edit” then write the additional text on the “Notes” field and confirm by clicking “Send”. It is recommended to use the addition of Notes also in case you want to solicit the service request. If the issue continues to be unassigned for a long time, you can notify to or, indicating the issue number.