New Supplier for direct contract

Follow the steps: Admin > Suppliers > Suppliers and click on the button: “New Supplier”.

new supplier

The creation of a new supplier requires the fill-up the following fields:

  • Code: alphanumeric code for the identification of the supplier

  • Name

  • VAT number

  • Recipient code

  • iban

  • Swift

  • Company details

  • Country

  • City

  • Address

  • Zip code

  • Telephone

  • Fax

  • Office email: the email address where the supplier will receive the bookings

  • Account department's email: the email address of the supplier's accounting department

  • Email PEC

  • Email technical

  • Supplier's Web Site

  • Visible on Voucher: if selected, the name of the supplier will appear on the Voucher

  • Required reference: if selected, the client will be asked to include a reference while booking

  • Languages for notification emails: you can decide the language of the notification emails to the supplier

  • Remarks about the supplier

Once all fields in the supplier tab have been completed, click "Confirm".

By searching for the previously created supplier, it will then be possible to create a user (by clicking on the “Users” button) in case you want to:

Allow the supplier to operate within the extranet (for more information visit guide).

Connect via API to the channel manager (for more information visit guide).