Follow the step: Administration > Hotels > Contracts, choose before the Country and the City in which the hotel is located and for who you want to create a new contract (or modify a contract already entered) and click on the Search button (all the loaded contracts in the selected city will appear, if present).
To load a new contact, click on the button New Contract the contract master data will open and it should be fill, explained below in detail:
Main Options:
Name: field for assigning an identify label to recognize the contract
Buyer:choose the buyer previously entered
Country / City: localisation of the hotel
Hotels: the hotel to which the contract we are creating refers; by clicking on the “Obtain Contacts” button, it can automatically fill in the E-mail field with the address inserted in the Hotel Data
Channel Manager: if the contract is managed by a channel manager, it must be selected from the menu (will automatically manage Allotments, Tariffs, Min and Max Stay and Closures)
Suppliers: the supplier with whom the contract for the hotel entered has been stipulated; by clicking on the "Obtain Contacts" button, you can automatically fill in the e-mail field with the address inserted in the Supplier Data
E-mail: the e-mail address that will receive the notifications regarding new bookings, modifications and cancellations
Commission: descriptive field, will have no effect in the contract. Indicates the commission established with the hotel; it will be visible in the mapping pdf and will be useful to the Channel Manager as a reference for offsetting from the amount
Category: shows the type of contract you are going to set. The categories normally used are:
Room type (ctype): the room type that also identifies the contract itself, for example: "Standard Room", "Superior Room", etc. In case a room type is not present, you can proceed independently by following the steps Admin > Hotels > Contract Typologies and add the name of the desired room type in the various languages. The system will show any already defined ctypes whose name resembles the new one, and you can choose whether to enter the new ctype anyway or not. "Owner ctypes" so defined will be usable in the same way as ctypes shared between systems.
Arrangment: type of treatment (bed and breakfast, half board, all inclusive, etc.)
Advanced Options:
Number of children: insert the maximum number of children (3+) who are allowed with 1 adult (single), with 2 adults (double and twin), with 3 adults (triple), with 4 adults (quadruple)
Extrabed immediate confirmation (Yes default) allows you to choose with “No” whether the reservation with the extra bed must be confirmed before it is made effective
Min allowed age: allows you to set the minimum age required for guests. Used to mark results with the label “Adults Only”
Children ages in ASC order: by default, the system will sort the children by increasing age and therefore the first child will be the one with the lowest age. If unchecked, the system will sort children by decreasing age and consequently the first child reduction will be applied to the child with the highest age
Closure: used to set the supplier interface: establish if the supplier can insert closures only for extra allotment (free sale only), for all allotments or can choose from time to time
Release : used to insert/change the release time of all rooms in allotment, or of all rooms in free sales, or both
TSU allotments mapping: indicates the type of bed that is associated with the double single use
Min Pax per Room: to be completed only in cases of an STR management, indicates the minimum number of passengers that can stay in the room
Min/Maximum STR occupancy: they are linked to the type of STR room and are used to define occupations greater than 4 people
Sell only STR: for STR management with minimum occupancy of 1 (e.g. for apartment management). If selected the first row of advanced options disappears and there will be no more distinction of occupancy in the tabs involved
Release Time: is the time of the checkin day from which the release hours are calculated
Release delta (h): here you define the hours that add up to the release hours already entered in Release; it works as a protection for the tour operator in order to have more time to handle the issue
VCC: select the desired Virtual Credit Card from the drop-down menu previously set up after communicating the parameters with the technical department
Bind tariff the tariffs are defined for the cost of the stay:
standard : every day has its own tariff
Es : 1st day: 50, 2nd day: 25, 3rd day: 30 Total stay = 50 + 25 + 30
check-in : every day has the tariff of the first one
Ex : 1st day: 50, 2nd day: 25, 3rd day: 30 Total stay = 50 + 50 + 50
check-out : every day has the tariff of the last one
Ex : 1st day: 50, 2nd day: 25, 3rd day: 30 Total stay = 30 + 30 + 30
Not visible to the CM : means that the CM will not see bookings made on this contract via Twoways
Automatic Renewal: if flagged, move forward the end date day by day
Allow extra freesale: allows the system to add rooms to those loaded in the Flex allotment section
Week-end tariff Starting day: you can choose the day you want the weekend start
Week-end tariff Ending day: you can choose the day you want the weekend end
Week-end minimum-stay Starting day: the first day of the weekend for the purpose of minimum stay
Week-end minimum-stay Ending day: the last day of the weekend for the purpose of minimum stay
Languages for notification emails: the language of the notifications that will be sent to the supplier
Hide prices from supplier email: avoid that booking prices are sent to supplier’s notifications
Consume allotment based on occupancy: if selected, in case of child extra bed will scale the allotment from the immediately following occupancy if present (for example: in case of double + extra bed will scale the allotment from the triple if present)