XML Supplier
The Tour Operator can update the suppliers' features from Configurations > Plugin settings.

- markup_delta_opaque: is a delta that modifies the markup in case of opaque rate
- markup_delta_package: is a delta that modifies the markup in case of dynamic packets
- markup_minimum: if defined is the markup to be applied to the supplier net, it cannot be less than this parameter. If it is not defined this limit is 0.0
- skip_price_comparison: if valorized to the results of this feed, price comparison will not be applied (so the above results will appear even if there are cheaper solutions). The following parameters allow defining a time window within which the checkin must fall for the request to be forwarded to the supplier. It can be expressed either in the form of dates or days from date today:
- booking_window_from_date: in YYYY-MM-DD format
- booking_window_to_date: in YYYY-MM-DD format
- booking_window_from_days:
- booking_window_to_days
- only_single_hotel_availability: if valorized to “yes” it means that this feed is reserved for single hotel requests, multiple hotel or city requests will not be made. It is recommended to use “max_hotels_to_search” instead since if valorized, this parameter is ignored
- blooked_rooms_types:may contain a comma-separated list of room types for which not to search. For example: TRP, QUD
- max_hotels_to_search: preferred to “only_single_hotel_availability”. If valued as a number, the feed is active only for requests for at most this hotel number
- deadlinehour: define margin hours to be applied to supplier deadlines
- deadlinetime: in HH:MM format after applying the margin hours, the deadline is set to this time. If it is not valued, “12:00” is used
- alias: allows you to define a mnemonic alias to the plugin
- allowed_nationalities: the feed is enabled only for passengers whose nationality falls within this code list (iso2 country codes)
- denied_nationalities: the feed is disabled for passengers whose nationality falls within this code list (iso2 country codes)
- allowed_localities: the system allows you to define localities (macro-areas that can be defined by tour operators) and search on them. By default, searches by locality are not forwarded to xml feeds unless this parameter is set to “yes”
- allowed_countries: list of country codes (viewable in Admin > Static Data > Countries) separated by comma where the feed is enabled: you can search for hotels and cities only in these countries
- denied_countries: list of country codes (viewable in Admin > Static Data > Countries) separated by comma where the feed is disabled: you cannot search for hotels and cities in these countries.
You can also define conditions that an availability request must meet in order to be forwarded to the provider of this feed, via:
- max_rooms: maximum number of rooms required
- min_rooms: minimum number of rooms required
- max_nights: maximum number of nights
- min_nights: minimum number of nights
- max_deadline_hours: contracts for which there are more hours between checkin and deadline than how this option is valued are discarded from the feed
- recommended: contracts from this feed are marked as “recommended”
- send_customer_reference: if the booking is made from site, when booking, the default behavior is to send as reference the name of the service in the system that is making the purchase. Instead, if it is a booking created via Kalima, it is preferable to send the customer reference (enhancing this option to “yes”). Please note that at the moment Towers is asynchronous and therefore if there is incompatibility with asynchronous protocols, it is not possible to locate the correct booking during asynchronous notification
- allowed_currencies: optional list of currencies, separated by comma. If the client currency (into which prices need to be converted) is not in this list, the first currency in the list is used
- min_timeout: to avoid too short timeouts of an xml provider after each query, to be defined if “min_timeout_multi_hotels” and “min_timeout_single_hotels” are not available
- min_timeout_multi_hotels: to avoid too short timeouts of an xml provider after each query, in case only one hotel is requested
- min_timeout_single_hotel: to avoid too short timeouts of an xml provider after each query, in case multiple hotel ids are requested
- compare_results: when a feed returns many results, with minimal differences only on prices, you can set this parameter to “yes” to apply a first skim and reduce the number of contracts returned
- deadline_timezone_from: allows to define in which timezone the feed returns the results the cancellation terms, it can be a specific timezone, or the string “supplier”, indicating that it is provided directly by the feed itself or “hotel” indicating that it is considered based on the hotels static data. In case it is not defined the CET timezone is assumed
- username
- password
- url
- markup: has to be a numeric character. It will be added to the prices received by suppliers and it will be the earning of the Tour Operator.
If Tour Operator decide to disable a supplier, it is necessary to insert in the markup row an alphabetic character and click “change” to save the action.
We suggest to insert "DISABLED" with the last markup inserted (for example DISABLED7).
Please note: if a customer is disabled a supplier via plugin blocking, in case of cancellation of a previously made reservation, the cancellation starts anyway as disabled plugins only block new availability searches
- default_nationality