
  • Office Email: email addresses where you should be notified of the purchase and/or modification services
  • Email Account: email address of customer used to send email about bookings with expiring payments
  • Email PEC: certified email, it is usually referred to Italian companies
  • Email IT: email address where you should be notified about technical matters
  • Email Mapping: email address where you should be notified about mapping
  • Email Product: email address where you should be notified about sales matters
  • Languages for notification emails
  • Required for: booking status for which email will be sent
  • Copy to: optional field, enter an additional email address that will receive a copy of the communications sent to the customer
  • Receive mails from sub-clients? if selected, the agency receives all notifications that are sent to its subagencies (they have the network field in the configuration tab set to the related agency)
  • Receiver: email address where you should be notified about bookings:
    • Users: the notification is sent to the user who is making the reservation in the system
    • Client: the notification is sent to the email address specified in the email tab, operational email field
    • Users/Client: the notification is sent both to the agency's email address and to the user

Please note that if multiple email addresses are entered, they must be separated with a comma.

Once all fields have been completed, click the Confirm button.