
This section allows you to enter the agreed tariff conditions. Rates are chargeable on a net, daily basis with VAT and taxes included.

  • Start Date and End Date: to enter the validity dates of the tariffs
  • Event: allows a surcharge to be applied to holidays for
    • Markup: enter the value as a percentage
    • Selling price: to enter the net price and the sale price
  • From/To: to define which days are holidays in the week
  • Tariff's type
    • For passenger: amount per passenger
    • A service: amount per service
    • Per grille (e.g. 1 to 3 participants, 100€)
  • Price
  • Currency
  • Select type of sale
    • Markup: enter the value as a percentage
    • Selling price: enter the sale price

Click Insert to save the information entered.

Once the new rate has been entered, it is also possible to establish rate Specializations by defining:

  • Group: previously created as a guide
  • Special offers: if checked, puts “special offer” label to the excursion
  • Selling price: enter the selling price
  • Event supplement: enter the value of the event supplement

Click Insert or Update to save the information entered.