
In this section you can add a New tariff new tariff

You must fill in the following mandatory fields:

  • From locality: indicates the place of departure

  • arrows in the middle: indicate whether the tariff is valid only for one or both directions

  • To locality: indicates the place of arrival

  • Vehicle: indicates the type of vehicle

  • Category: indicates the type of category of the transfer

  • From: indicates the day of departure of the contract (optional)

  • To: indicates the end day of the contract (optional)

  • Buy: enter the net price of the service

  • Currency: you can specify the currency

  • Tariff type: can be Markup or Amount. This field allows you to set the type of "margins" you want for a given contract

  • Markup: it is possible to enter a value (percentage) of markup, different from the one set by default in the contract master data

  • Active: You can define the sale amount. Once selected, the relevant field for insertion appear

The following advanced configurations are not required:

  • From (hours): indicates the time at which start the validity for that particular rate

  • To (hours): indicates the time at which the rate ends

  • Period: indicates on which days of the week the rates entered are valid

  • Typology: admits only three types of values:

    • Private
    • Public
    • Shared
  • Vehicle brands: you can list some examples of cars that will perform the service (for example "Audi A3, Mercedes-benz class A")

  • Driver information: You can list some characteristics of the driver (e.g. "the driver speaks English")