How the system runs searches agains the supplier system? TOWeRS system allows to perform searches based on three main criterias:
If the supplier system supports the multi-hotel searches, how many properties per search our system sends? This parameter is ruled by several configuration settings in TOWeRS but, usually, we keep the number of properties per search in the range 100 - 200. This setting can be adjusted for specific suppliers and customers on the basis of the needs so it's always useful replying that the value can be adapted to their needs.
How many searches the system runs per... (second / minute / hour / day)? This number can be computed using the stats of the system, the menu Stats -> Customers traffic -> By day (Hours) displays the number of searches run per hour in a given period. Using those numbers is possible to estimate the other required values. If we the question is about a new client without any reasonable history, we should ask to the client itself to provide realistic numbers or to admit to the supplier the information is still unknown. The same numbers may be used to estimate peak time as well.
Does your system support the pax nationality / source market tag? TOWeRS supports the nationality tag which is often called source market tag. It actually means that if a client specify the pax nationality, this is used both in direct contracts and in third party XML protocols (when the supplier supports it). So if the supplier asks for it, we can reply that we fully support it but the clients are not forced to provide the required data.
Is your system capable to perform multi rooms bookings? TOWeRS is capable to perform reservations for multiple rooms, they can be of the same occupancy or different one, the only mandatory requirement is that they have to fall in the same contract type.
How many adults per ROOM can be booked? It can actually be configured and depends on the system, usually up to 4 passengers but this limit can be extended if needed.
How many adults per RESERVATION can be booked? Usually no more than 9 passengers per booking since, over this number, it is considered outside the FIT scope.
How many children per ROOM can be booked? It can be configured in TOWeRS but usually is up to two children in double/twin room.
How many children per RESERVATION can be booked? There actually is not a specific limitation.
Does your system support results in different currencies? Yes, TOWeRS allows to have different results in different currencies.
What's the expected look to book ratio? From the same stats of the page above (see point 5 in this document), it is possible to get the look to book ratio as well, it's explicited in one of the columns.