Mandatory Fields

The following fields are required. If these fields are not filled in, the issue may be handled slowly or inefficiently.

  • Tracker: for service requests please consider “Support”

  • Subject: problem reference

  • Description: section where you have to explain the problem in every detail, with the signature of the user authoring the support request. If the malfunction concerns a specific page, we recommend that you also attach a screenshot (see section “File and Create”)

  • Priority: choose priority from the drop-down menu. Available values are listed below, from most urgent to least urgent:
    • Immediate: to be used only in case you cannot access the system or the whole section is totally unavailable - feedback in 4wh
    • Urgent: to be used in the case to avoid loss of money/resources - feedback in 8wh
    • High: to be used in case of issues affecting the parts which are highly used system features - feedback in 12wh
    • Normal: default - feedback in 24wh
    • Low: to be used for useful but not mandatory improvements - feedback in 40wh

Technicians can change the priority if they think that the one indicated is wrong. For example, a priority might be lowered from “Urgent” to “Normal” if the reservation check-in is one month later.

  • Dossier: this field must be filled out only if the problem concerns a reservation with a Dossier number (code beginning with “F”)

  • Service: this field must be filled out only if the problem concerns a reservation with a Service number (code beginning with “B”)

  • Dataentry: check this box only for requests to create a new hotel or to modify an existing hotel. For requests to update images, whenever they exceed the upload limit allowed by the ticket, you can attach them by writing to with the reference ticket number in the object

  • Supplier: insert the supplier for which the issue needs to be opened

  • Netstorming priority: define a priority number up to a maximum of 10. For ordinary problems, we recommend using a conventional value of 7. The priority can be changed by Netstorming staff