
Before you can enter a transfer contract, you must create Areas and locations.

Follow the process: Admin > Areas and Locaties > Locality typologies. Select "New locality typology" and fill in the following fields: new locality

After that, select: Localities > New Locality. new locality Fill in the following fields:

  • Locality typology: concerning the location created previously
  • Class/Typology: select the service of refernce

Once the new location is created, you can define the Area. new area Fill in the following fields:

  • Code:
  • Coordinates: by clicking on the coordinates icon you can define the exact area where the service will take place. The search bar allows you to move around the map by entering the name of a city / street, and then by selecting the circle / polygon icon you can define the area concerned. cordinates

Note: You can define multiple areas within the same location.