
This section has the following fields:

  • Gender: allows the Tour Operator to select the type of customer: agency or network
  • Customer typology: (Travel Agency, Tour Operator, Wholesaler, B2B, B2C, etc.)
  • Network: allows the Tour Operator to select the network to which it belongs the agency or a network (sub network)
  • Group: allows the Tour Operator to select the group of belonging (if previously created on the page)
  • Changing the markup: allows the Tour Operator to determine whether the customer can view or modify their own markup
  • Displaying profit: allows the Tour Operator to establish whether the customer can view or not, within his own practice, his profit by clicking inside the button
  • Booking online: allow the Tour Operator to determine if the customer can book directly through his TOWeRS system or if he can view only the availability of the tourist services sold
  • Type of booking: you can choose if the booking is created online or if the system generates an email with the details of the booking to be created (only valid for the hotel service)
  • Navigation currency: allows the Tour Operator to establish in which currency the customer will have to view the prices within the system
  • Navigation language: allows the Tour Operator to determine in which language the customer will have to navigate within the system Reference
  • Associated to the office for: determines how bookings are associated with the owner (default company)
  • Reference (compulsory?): is used to force agencies to indicate the "customer reference". When searching for availability they must therefore always fill in the field below in order to finalize the booking

  • Dsitributors: allows you to define the origin of reservations. This field is used only for those who have B2C
  • The date of deadline: allows the Tour Operator to establish how many days before the deadline, the email with list of expiring bookings must be sent
  • To receive the emails with bookings which is in deadline: allows the Tour Operator to determine if the deadline booking emails should be sent to the client
  • Send email deadline booking: the system send email reminder notifying the non-payment of the reservations to the accounts
  • Blocked in deadline: allows the Tour Operator to establish the behavior of the system in case of deadline reservations
    • NO: the agency does not have the block, therefore deadline reservations are normally treated;
    • YES, with prepayment: the agency can book in deadline but with prepayment (regardless of the type of payment set);
    • YES, total block: the agency cannot book in deadline. An alert invites the customer to contact the tour operator to finalize the booking.
  • Block issuing of voucher: allows the Tour Operator to block the emission of voucher until the balance is settled
  • Logo on the voucher: allows the Tour Operator to determine if the customer can display his logo on the voucher
  • Tour prepayment (enabled only for those with tours): if selected, requires prepayment by credit card for to
  • Payment: allows to determine to select the payment method associated with the customer
  • Payment by deposit: Set NO by default
  • Payments date: date when the dossier are paid
  • Days of prepayment: allows the Tour Operator to establish how many days before the deadline, the customer must pay for his reservations
  • Credit Card: allows the Tour Operator to determine if the client can pay the reservations also by credit card
  • Payment by credit card gross: allows the Tour Operator to determine if the client will have to pay for the reservations, including markups he has set, paying him a commission after
  • Show (insert) emergency number of voucher allows the TO to add the emergency number on voucher
  • Page displayed after logging into the system: allows the Tour Operator to determine which page of TOWeRS system the customer needs to see when they log in the system: Home or Hotel Booking Page
  • Disable IP check for agencies that have connection problems: is needed for agencies to which the ip dynamically changes during an availability search
  • Invoiced to checkout: allows the Tour Operator to determine if the invoice issue date must correspond to the booking checkout date
  • Contract received: indicates to the Tour Operator if the customer has sent all the documents needed to use the system
  • Remarks about customer: free field, dedicated exclusively to the Tour Operator, with which textual notes concerning the customer can be entered. These notes will never be visible to the customer
  • Public remarks about the customer: free field, manageable exclusively by the Tour Operator, to insert textual notes that he wishes, or that the customer expressly requires, to be shown on the vouchers and/or emails received by the customer himself. The possibility of having these notes appear on voucher and/or email, is set through the field of the customer master data
  • Visibility public remarks about the customer: make public notes visible to customers on email
  • Bookings automatic cancellation: if the flag is selected and the client is set in prepayment, the cancellation of reservations not paid before the deadline is activated. Please note: if the client pays by bank transfer, the payment must be recorded manually within the reservation to avoid cancellation of the reservation
  • Send booking email with customer reference: allows the Tour Operator to determine whether the customer reference should be sent to the supplier in the booking emails
  • Send payments reminder also to users: allows to determine whether also the users should receive the payments reminder email
  • Show suppliers logo allows you to decide whether a customer should be able to see supplier logos in hotel availability or not
  • Force contextual payment: forced the client to pay the booking with the credit card before the creation of the reservation
  • Send HCN email: if selected, it sends the hotel confirmation number to the client
  • Supervisor: allows to choose the Supervisor who will receive a copy of the bookings email
  • Sales report intervals: interval in (days used) in sales report