Operations Logs
In this section, operation logs can be searched according to the following parameters:

- From/To: you can define start and end dates and times
- Result you can filter by choosing from:
- All
- OK: only logs that have given a positive result
- FAILURE: only the logs that resulted in a negative outcome
- Operation: it is possible to freely define an operation type
- User: it is possible to freely define a user name
- Actor type you can filter by choosing from:
- All
- Office
- Client
- Supplier
- Remote address: you can freely define an ip address.
- Description: you can freely define a description
You can also perform a more detailed search with Search By Type Of Operation in which you are allowed to define:
- Country: choose the country from the drop-down menu
- Operation type you can filter by choosing from:
- All
- Insertion
- Modify
- Removal
- Component you can filter by choosing from:
- Allotments
- Flex allotments
- Tariffs
- Flex Tariffs
- Close-out
Below is an example of the results with the possibility to expand with + in order to see in detail the operation logs referring to a specific operation: