
  • Office Email: main address from/to which most correspondence is sent, is used as default
  • Account department's email: address from/to which e-mails are sent with prepayment records, due payments, and check deposit accounts, as well as in hidden copy for automatic sending of the arrivals list. It is therefore used for all notifications regarding accounting aspects of the system
  • E-mail technical: information field, is used to communicate the address to be referred to for technical issues only
  • E-mail sales: information field, optional
  • E-mail Payments: client email address to which emails related to mapping are sent
  • Accounting Mail: address used for sending reports on bookings for networks
  • Payments to supplier email: address for receiving payment due date summary (default: operational email)
  • Mail sender with client's passwords: address from which to send welcome emails to customers containing system access codes (default: operational email)
  • Mail sender with supplier's passwords: alernative addresses from which to send welcome emails to suppliers containing system access codes (default: operational email)

Customer mails

  • Required for: allows you to choose for which booking status the system sends notifications to customers
  • Copy to: optional field, enter an additional email address that will receive a copy of communications sent to the tour operator
  • Send a copy to owner: allows you to choose which booking status the tour operator should receive notifications for
  • Receiver: allows you to choose which email address to send booking notifications to:
    • Users: the notification is sent to the person who is making the reservation in the system.
    • Customers: notification is sent to the email address specified in the email tab, operational email field
    • Users/Customers: the notification is sent to both of them

Mail Supplier

  • Send a copy to owner: allow to receive supplier notifications in copy
  • Copy to: optional field, enter an additional email address that will receive copies of communications sent to the supplier
  • Return Receipt: optional field, send a read confirmation receipt to the indicated email address
  • Show VCC details only in booking detail: if checked, the system will not send VCC (Virtual Credit Card) details via email but will only be present in booking details

Registration Mail

  • Required for: allow to choose which registration notification email to send to the customer
  • Sender: allow to specify which sender the registration email comes from
  • Send a copy to owner: allow registration emails to be copied to the tour operator
  • Receiver: allow to choose which email address to send reservation notifications to:
    • Users: notification is sent to those who are making the reservation in the system
    • Customers: the notification is sent to the email address specified in the email tab, operational email field
    • Users/Customers: the notification is sent to both of them

Automatic reports: custom addresses can be set in this section from/to which emails related to the associated fields can be sent. If multiple email addresses are entered, separate them with a comma. Within the tour operator data, in the “Configuration” tab, there are respective fields to enable the sending of emails, sometimes allowing other parameters to be set as well. For example, alerts for failed logins

  • Exhausted call: configuration related to emails to supplier for end of allotment availability
  • AGENCY B2B Contract: configuration related to email sent to customers with the contract between tour operator and customer
  • Payment remark (prepayment): configuration related to payment reminder emails to prepayment customers
  • Password recovery notice: configuration related to password recovery email
  • Expiring agreements: configuration related to the expiring contracts alert email that is basically sent to the owner
  • Supplier interface update: address setting to receive notifications of changes in contracts executed by the supplier. (Default receiver: tour operator operational email)
  • ATT. Accounting dept - Customers with lines of credit - Account balance: configuration related to balance email on customers who have credit_line configured
  • Request payments of bookings with check-in in the previous month: configuration related to the email that is sent to customers to solicit payment for departures from the previous month
  • Arrival List: email configuration tied to arrival_list emails sent to supplier
  • Closed availability alert: configuration tied to the email that is sent to the office to notify them that availability has been closed/cancelled for more than 5 consecutive days
  • Mapping Channel Manager: configuration tied to the channel manager mapping email
  • Booking in term of the penalty: configuration related to the email that sends a reminder to the customer containing the bookings close to deadline
  • Insufficient plafond alert (kalima): addresses from/to which to send “Booking rejected due to insufficient ceiling” notification via Kalima
  • Enable email alert for customers failed login: enables email alerts when a customer fails to log into the system
  • Send report with active direct contracts: customization of addresses for sending xls format summary of active direct contracts