
  • Office Email: where to receive bookings. It is the main address from/to which most correspondence is sent, it is used as the default, if multiple e-mail addresses are present, separate them with “,” or ”;”
  • Account department's email: address from/to which e-mails are sent with prepayment records, due payments, and check deposit accounts, as well as in hidden copy for automatic sending of the arrivals list. It is therefore used for all notifications regarding accounting aspects of the system
  • E-mail technical: optional field. It is used to communicate the address to be referred to for purely technical matters
  • E-mail sales: optional field
  • E-mail Payments: email of person receiving notification of payments, if not specified email accounting is used
  • Accounting Mail: address used for sending reports on bookings for networks
  • Payments to supplier email: address for receiving payment due date summary (default: operational email)
  • Mail sender with client's passwords: address from which to send welcome emails to customers containing system access codes (default: operational email)
  • Mail sender with supplier's passwords: alernative addresses from which to send welcome emails to suppliers containing system access codes (default: operational email)

Customer mails

  • Required for: allows you to choose for which booking status the system sends notifications to customers
  • Copy to: optional field, enter an additional email address that will receive a copy of communications sent to the tour operator
  • Send a copy to owner: allows you to choose which booking status the tour operator should receive notifications for
  • Receiver: allows you to choose which email address to send booking notifications to:
    • Users: the notification is sent to the person who is making the reservation in the system.
    • Customers: notification is sent to the email address specified in the email tab, operational email field
    • Users/Customers: the notification is sent to both of them

Mail Supplier

  • Send a copy to owner: allow to receive supplier notifications in copy
  • Copy to: optional field, enter an additional email address that will receive copies of communications sent to the supplier
  • Return Receipt: optional field, send a read confirmation receipt to the indicated email address
  • Show VCC details only in booking detail: if checked, the system will not send VCC (Virtual Credit Card) details via email but will only be present in booking details

Registration Mail

  • Required for: allow to choose which registration notification email to send to the customer
  • Sender: allow to specify which sender the registration email comes from
  • Send a copy to owner: allow registration emails to be copied to the tour operator
  • Receiver: allow to choose which email address to send reservation notifications to:
    • Users: notification is sent to those who are making the reservation in the system
    • Customers: the notification is sent to the email address specified in the email tab, operational email field
    • Users/Customers: the notification is sent to both of them

Automatic reports: custom addresses can be set in this section from/to which emails related to the associated fields can be sent. If multiple email addresses are entered, separate them with a comma. Within the tour operator data, in the “Configuration” tab, there are respective fields to enable the sending of emails, sometimes allowing other parameters to be set as well.

  • Exhausted call: notifies the end of availability of allotments. You can enable or disable receiving via “Check allotment email” in the Tour Operator Data Configuration tab. The service should also be enabled at the individual hotel contract level, in the advanced options under “Send check allotment email to” it is necessary to select the user (previously created within the provider) to whom the alert should be sent. Unless otherwise specified in this section, the email will arrive with sender “office email”

  • AGENCY B2B Contract: configuration of email addresses for sending the contract stipulated with clients. The email will arrive at the address in “Office Email” of the client (it is not possible to change it), unless otherwise specified in this section the sender will be, if any, the address indicated in “mail sender with client's password”, otherwise “Office Email” of the tour operator

  • Payment remark (prepayment): configuration email addresses for payment reminder. The email will arrive at the address in “email account” of the customer (you cannot change it), unless otherwise specified in this section the sender will be “email account” of the tour operator, if any, otherwise “Office Email”

  • Password recovery notice: configuring email addresses for password recovery emails. Unless otherwise specified in this section, the email will arrive at the address in “Office Email” with sender “noreply”

  • Supplier interface update: configuration of email addresses for notifications of changes in contracts executed by the supplier. Unless otherwise specified in this section, the email will arrive at the address in “Office Email” with sender the supplier's email

  • Request payments of bookings with check-in in the previous month: configuration of email addresses for monthly report with summary of unpaid dossiers from the previous month. The email will arrive at the address in “email account” of the client (you cannot change it), unless otherwise specified in this section the sender will be “email account” of the tour operator

  • Arrival List: configure email addresses for weekly report with arrival list, if the eponymous entry in configuration tab is active. The email will arrive to the address given in the contract that generated the reservations (you cannot change it), unless otherwise specified in this section the sender will be “noreply”

  • Closed availability alert: configure email addresses for daily report with closures made during the day by contract. For each date detected closed, check if the previous 4 dates and the next 4 dates have a sequence of 5 nights closed, for each sequence of nights closed in the same contract, send notification to the customer. There is a “Disable hotel availability closure notice email” flag in configuration tab to disable receipt of these emails. Unless otherwise specified in this section, the email will arrive at the address in “Office Email” with sender the email itself

  • Mapping Channel Manager: configure email addresses to send email with the pdf related to channel manager mapping (from Admin > Hotels > Contracts, clicking on the appropriate icon to generate and send the pdf). The email will arrive at the channel manager address (you cannot change it), unless otherwise specified in this section the sender will be “Office Email”

  • Booking in term of the penalty: email address configuration to send a summary email to clients with practices that are about to go into penalty. It can be activated for each client of the tour operator, via The fields “Send email booking in deadline” and “Days send email booking in deadline” in the configuration tab of the client tab. The email will arrive at the address in the customer's “Office Email” (not editable) and unless otherwise specified in this section, the sender will be the tour operator's “Office Email” address

  • Insufficient plafond alert (kalima): configure email addresses to decline the booking request from Kalima if the ceiling is not sufficient by also sending an email to the client and accounting to notify, without creating any paperwork. The email will arrive at the address in “email account” (you cannot change it), unless otherwise specified in this section the sender will be “noreply”

  • Enable email alert for customers failed login: configuring email addresses for daily report with The failed login attempts by clients, you can enable or disable reception via eponymous entry in configuration tab, by default it is disabled. The report starts three times a day : at 9 am to send the failed logins in the previous 15 hours (i.e. from 6 pm of the previous day), at 1 pm to send the failed logins in the previous 4 hours, at 6 pm to send the failed logins in the previous 5 hours. You can also decide whether to include Failures due to incorrect credentials, login made from unauthorized nation, or both. Unless otherwise specified in this section, the email will arrive at the address in “Office Email” with sender “noreply”

  • Send report with active direct contracts: configuring email addresses for weekly report with The details about active direct contracts, you can enable or disable receiving via eponymous entry in configuration tab, by default it is disabled. Unless otherwise specified in this section, the email will arrive at the address in “Office Email” with sender “noreply”

  • Advise expiring flex contracts in days: configure email addresses for weekly report on flex contracts that will expire (or if they have no flex tariff/allotment) in the current week (or, if necessary, decide the most appropriate time window via eponymous entry in configuration tab). Unless otherwise specified in this section, the email will arrive at the address in “Office Email” with sender “noreply”