Massive updating

Through this section you can massively update clients. Follow the steps Admin > Clients > Mass Update and search according to the desired parameters.

A list of customers selected by default will then appear. You will be able to deselect those that you may not want to include in the massive update.

Massive changes can be made in the fields of:

  • Group: you can select the group from those previously created

  • Markup

    • Agency fee Health and luggages: define an amount with its currency
    • Agency fee Cancellation insurance: define an amount with its currency
  • Configuration

    • Changing the markup: yes/no
    • Displaying profit: yes/no
    • Navigation currency: select the type of currency
    • B2C - Block deadline booking: yes/no
    • Credito mensile treni (Monthly train credit): yes/no
  • Payments
    • Days of prepayment: define the number of days
    • The date of deadline: define the number of days
    • Block deadline booking: yes/no/yes, total block
    • Block issuing of voucher: yes/no
    • Payment tickets in advance: yes/no
    • Payment: select the previously created payment term
    • Credit Card: yes/no
    • Payment by credit card gross: yes/no

Click on Update to make the changes effective.