Contract Tour

From the search results it is also possible to define the contractual details of the excursion by clicking on the Contract Tour screen will appear

  • Agreement
  • Supplier
  • "On/Off" switch: allows you to activate or deactivate a contract and therefore make it bookable or not
  • On request: if selected, allows you to make the contract available only on request
  • Not bookable within (hours): allows you to define the hours within which the contract is no longer bookable
  • Commands: drop-down menu where the following items will appear, which will be explained in the following paragraphs of the guide:
    • Tariffs
    • Timetable
    • Close-out
    • Release
    • Cancellations
    • Reductions

Click on Update to save the information entered.

Click on Connected to the Contract after entering a new contract, in order to link it to one or more contracts with which the supplier is associated.