Extra Tariffs

This section enables you to load the "special" tariffs. They are always at the net hotel rate, based on the daily price including VAT and taxes and they overwrite those already entered in the Tariffs page.

Extra Tariffs

  • Start Date and End Date: the dates in which the tariffs are valid
  • Period: indicates in which days of the week the tariffs entered are valid for:

    • Weekdays: on all working days;
    • Weekend: on the weekend;
    • Both: in both the periods;
    • Days of the week: it is possible to specify the days of the week
  • Currency: the system keeps the currency of the first tariffs loaded for that contract
  • SGL (Single), TSU (Twin Single Use), DBL (Double), TWN (Twin), TRP (Triple), QUD (Quadruple): fields dedicated for the insertion of extra tariffs for each room type
  • COT (Cot), Extra (Extra bed): fields dedicated for inserting extra tariffs for the cot and extra bed
  • Block promotions: if flagged, the promotions will be blocked
  • Only valid for bookings created: it allows you to select a specific period for the validity of the extra tariff, based on the creation date of the booking
  • Delete: if selected, enables to delete the rows of extra tariffs entered